Jul 9Liked by Mrs Miller


Do you think you’re, I don’t know, obsessed?”

“It’s my kid. Plus, you’re the one spending thousands of dollars to minor in the subject.”————————————————————————-

The reason for the gratitude that I feel for your courage and resolve to share your story (I have great respect for the strength it takes to share your dreams and fears so nakedly, Mrs. Miller) can be distilled into the lines you wrote above.

It is in the foil of motherly love so strong that it’s inextricable from Truth, against a professed compassion so fake that it’s deaf, dumb, and blind to the such a love.

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Jul 9Liked by Mrs Miller

I look forward to your book.

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Jul 9Liked by Mrs Miller

I'm not kidding.

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Jul 15Liked by Mrs Miller

I second this... no, actually I BEG you write A book... on this very subject. A fiction that will send the message across and get people thinking....

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Jul 9Liked by Mrs Miller

As I started to read this, I felt as though I was in a Humphrey & Bacall movie (2024) lol. Intriguing and so well-written you had me throughout the whole conversation. Can you imagine Humphrey and Bacall having this convoy lol. “The trouble with the world is that it's always one drink behind”

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I loooove that.

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Jul 9Liked by Mrs Miller

Such an interesting post.

The wrong introduction? To what? To your daughter? In the delivery room?

Love love love your response that this is my kid who I love like crazy.

And the burn of her spending the $$$$!

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Your ability to tell a story and evoke a time, place and atmosphere is quite impressive.

Now I want to be a bartender.

I never get to have these conversations, except the one time I tried to "straighten out" my sister's sister-in-law when she said something about how wonderful it is that people are "they" now, and how 2-year-olds certainly know who they are. That conversation didn't go so well, with me screaming, both to get above the loud music in the bar we occupied, and resulting from my inability to control my growing anger with every misunderstanding this woman in her late 60's, with five children (all of whom are married with adorable grandkids) was so proud to proclaim. I so wish I could be suave and subtle, instead of hammering away at these topics like a construction worker.

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When people act like nails, how can you not hammer? The thing we can't get past, in our specific positions, is how people who seem sane, are incapable of thinking clearly on the matter. They don't even know they're indoctrinated. But of course you know that. It takes a lot of noncompliance to get to the point where we no longer bow to the condemnation they hurl. We know the truth and they don't.

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Exactly right!

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Always looking forward to my next conversation (to turn strange).

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So many questions, but I'll just ask one: How do queer people tip?

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That's so, like, capitalistic.

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Spit my coffee lmao

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Part 2 is the cancellation mob?

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Mrs Miller

Very well done Mrs. M!

I've long said that we, like animals stripped of the requirement to survive (read work for our food, shelter and physical safety), devolve into levels of decay and mania. Look at the pacing tiger in a cage who is hand fed on a schedule, or the chimps who are agitated or depressed, or our human, deranged, queer generations who in the absence of having to forage for food and shelter themselves just to stay alive, have turned to all manner of mental illness and perversion, to find meaning in their microcosms.

"They have it too easy" is cliché, but disastrously true.

Put them behind a mule and plow for 18 hours a day and I guarantee you, they will not be wondering if they were born in the wrong gender.

The other thing this illustrates and I rant about is, you and I (adults) were never the targets. The K-5 kids were and now are the mentally compromised, cosmo sippers on the barstools.

The plan was always to shift the innate and societal norms/truths of children - as early as possible. At 2 years old in a daycare center, a child has no norms and the ones being formulated haven't taken root yet. So it's easy to present "new norms" daily, to a child who has no reasoning skills, mental agility or the ability to push back - because they have no foundation.

The last two generations, who now make up the trans/queer/and soon to be pedo industrial complex are proof of this. They and the next two generations will see absolutely nothing wrong with queer anything, the cognitive dissonance will be normal, 2+2 will equal 5 until it changes...again - and they will be the ones creating and dictating the societal norms for the next 50 to 100 years.

Unless, that is, people wake the F up and get serious about societal change - back to simple truths.

Yup, as you know Mrs. M, that is a monumental challenge, but we have no other choice, unless we are willing to sit back and watch the devastation, which will come in the form of the Pedo's. We are already seeing this push in legislative bodies, academia and of course the literary and entertainment industries.

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Jul 10Liked by Mrs Miller

Great comment. That is why I became so obsessed with this subject. The more “trans kids” they manage to capture in this cult, the more entrenched it becomes.

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Spot on!

I just wish people would get their collective heads out of the asses of netflix, doordash, gaming, porn, sports, the scumbags in hollywood and their propaganda products and all regime made shiny toys.

This, along with all other planned agenda items, is taking down societies - we’re witnessing the fall in real time.

We are quickly approaching a point where we will no longer be able to repair the damage done or avoid the inevitable.

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It's the new Gay Until Graduation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That will be interesting to see...should we start a betting pool?

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devastating. and hopeful.

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