Audrey Hale on a Grand Scale
Murdering innocent people makes you the perpetrator, not the victim.
Remember when people were saying that Audrey Hale was the real victim, after she shot up a Christian school?
When I heard about Hamas raping, murdering, beheading and kidnapping innocent Israeli civilians I couldn’t help but wonder, where would Miss Miller’s allegiance land? In addition to being soaked in trans ideology, which can’t get enough of victimhood and aligns itself squarely with Palestine, she is Jewish. (Click that Palestine link if you have the stomach for it. It’s insane.)
I had to get to her before her classmates or progressive teachers. I couldn’t bear the thought of her believing that Hamas was anything other than a group of deranged, blood-thirsty, Jew-hating monsters. Because anyone who sympathizes with people who chop the heads off babies… I mean how do you reason with someone who can justify that?
Driving her to school Monday morning I told her that Hamas, a terrorist group, breached Israel’s security—supposedly the best in the world—went in and murdered more than 700 people including grandmothers and babies. I told her later about the slaughter of more than a hundred teenagers just like her at the desert rave. And I told her that the attack wasn’t to “liberate Palestine,” but to kill Jews.
She reacted with appropriate horror, before returning to her phone to scroll through makeup tutorial videos. Still, it satisfied me. This is the same young lady who just a couple years ago, when I told her she could travel to Israel for free, said, “Why would I want to go there?” Because she had heard along the way that Israel was “bad” for oppressing poor, victimized Palestinians. Because ew, colonization. Ew, patriarchy. Ew, Israel.
And yet on her Twitter account, back when she had one, her bio proclaimed proudly that she was Jewish, for on the sliding scale of oppression points, Jews can also rank highly. Because after all, Hitler. Plus all those swastikas drawn on school bathroom walls.
After that disappointing conversation I armed myself with a little knowledge. I was never politically minded before trans swung its wrecking ball through my home. So I bought the book, Can We Talk About Israel? and learned that Israel was the Jews’ ancestral homeland for thousands of years through centuries of escaping persecution from one tribe or another.
As I delved deeper into the conflict in the past few days I learned that I was wrong in thinking that Israel given to the Jews in 1948 purely as a consolation prize, after six million Jews were murdered by Nazis in World War II. No. It was granted back to them. It was supposed to be the one safe place to which they could return, to avoid being massacred. If only.
I learned that Israel wasn’t oppressing Palestinians like the propaganda tells us. Israel left Gaza in 2005. Hamas was oppressing its own people who voted to put them in power. The whole reason for Hamas’s existence is to obliterate Israel. Wouldn’t you build a wall to protect your citizens if your next-door neighbor was your worst enemy?
Hamas stores their weapons under schools, hospitals and mosques so they can say that Israeli soldiers slaughtered innocents when they retaliate, which furthers the myth of Israel as supervillain. They knew Israel would retaliate forcefully against the bloodbath they created, and they knew they’d have sympathizers. As Golda Meier famously said, “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”
Seeing the reactions of people framing the massacre as something Israel brought upon itself, or redefining terrorists as “the resistance” boils my blood. Watching videos of cheering protestors around the world, laughing as they describe “several dozen hipsters” being “taken,” waving Palestinian flags and shouting “Gas the Jews!” makes my blood run cold. There is no warmth anymore. Just fire, or ice. Rage, or terror.
This is not about so-called Palestinian liberation. It’s about wiping Jews and Israel off the face of the map. There was never going to be any two-state solution, not when the Arabs refused to ever negotiate. You can’t coax the events of the past few days into the moral superiority of non-violence. Fuck that. And also fuck the heinous reframing of a heinous massacre as “decolonization.” It was extermination, bloody and raw.
When Miss Miller returned home from school yesterday I asked if they talked about Israel in class. She said, “No, but oh my God...”
“What,” I asked.
“There’s this girl who posted on her Instagram story that she stands with Hamas.”
“That's horrible,” I said.
“I know,” she said. “I texted her sister, who’s a friend of mine. I was like, is your sister okay? Because she’s siding with terrorists.”
I told her she did a good thing. Then I said, “You remember the phrase ‘driving while black?’”
She nodded.
“Well this is, ‘existing while Jewish.’ It’s nothing but antisemitism.”
“Yeah,” she agreed.
This morning she informed me that the Hamas-aligned girl apologized. She said she educated herself and no longer sides with Hamas.
“That’s pretty cool,” I said, thinking, if only I’d warned Miss Miller about gender ideology when I’d had the chance. Maybe I could have saved us all two years of grief and agony. But I didn’t see that one coming.
There’s still a small victory here. I finally learned about my people’s history, and about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. My eyes have been opened a little bit more to the evils of the world and the spin it hides behind. And my daughter helped renew my hope for her future and her generation.
God willing.
It is terrible to see the scourge of anti-semitism displayed in such a nakedly brutal way. I do and always will stand with Israel, which has existed for thousands of years and must continue to provide a homeland for a people who have been persecuted everywhere else. I've been trying to educate my daughter, too, who likes lots of far-left influencers who are more or less, pro-Palestinian. Thankfully, though, she had lots of Jewish friends when we lived in NY, and she is very aware of and sensitive to anti-semitism. I have made sure that she hears about the horror, and she, too, is properly horrified. She could still use more education about the actual situation in Palestine, but at least she doesn't defend Hamas. No one should. They must be driven out of the Gaza strip and destroyed as a terrorist organization. Love and solidarity to you and the whole of the Jewish people, Mrs. Miller!
The one "silver lining" of these last few days is that we now see clearly the answer to that question repeatedly asked since the Nazi horrors were revealed to the world: How could this happen?! We now see who are the modern day "Nazi sympathizers," who are the moral cowards of the moment. And we can understand, even more clearly, the power of propaganda to warp the sight and understanding of the average person. Now we know what happened all those decades ago, and "Never Again" takes on urgent meaning for every right-thinking, clear-minded, guardian of the civilized world's moral order. I stand with you, and Israel. And your daughter rocks. What a proud moment amidst the craziness of the last couple years.