May 25Liked by Mrs Miller

Ok, my trans ID’ed kid said she had watched this and found it disturbing and told her dad not to watch it, and then talked about how disturbing it was for several days. I had no idea what any of this was about … great. More trans virtue signaling and normalizing. Wtf is going on with Netflix these days, anyway? I catch my husband watching ‘documentaries’ that are so slanted and bias it’s cringy. And when I point this out, he shrugs. American’s critical thinking skills are at rock bottom and getting lower.

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Hard agree. And what's with the hubbies. The shrugging. Like we're making a big deal of nothing.

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My husband has actually called me insane, in a moment of breakdown one day last year. I was beside myself and all the stress of my son taking hormones etc etc hit me and I had a meltdown and panic attack and was begging him not to do it. My middle daughter, who is all things rainbow and my husband came in and all I needed was support and understanding, but they came in the room and attacked me. Called me hateful and insane, said mayne I need to leave if I can't accept this and his face was filled with hate and a look of disgust at me.

I slept in the car that night. It was traumatic, I came back cos I have nowhere else to go. Things have settles since then, my son doing ever so slightly better and still on this God forsaken journey but stopped hormones at least and so I'm still home and just have to pretend that was never done to me, but inside I hold a deep level of unforgiveness towards my husband. I don't know I fill ever get past it. It hurt so much to he alone at home fighting this thing with noon on my side. It's exhausting. He just wants to otetwnd there's nothing wrong 💔🥺

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May 24Liked by Mrs Miller

I’m a film snob so I’ve seen and tolerated plenty of darkness and violence, but after episode 5 my wife and I had to stop watching Baby Reindeer. the last 2-3 episodes we watched left us both with a visceral feeling of disgust and unease. as I said before, we’ve both seen worse, but the way the story was told, from the script, to the editing, to the direction seemed…intentionally disgusting? we hadn’t been subscribed to Netflix for a couple of years, but when we went back I was shocked at the tone and theme of most of their programming. what the Hell happened?

ironically, the trans stuff was the least disturbing part of the whole thing, haha…

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I think I've been dutifully conditioned lol

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I was curious about this show so thanks for recapping and saving me 7 hours (or 8, 9, 10 hours because like you I would've followed up by watching/reading more)!

Actually, that's a lie--I work for Disney so I can't afford Netflix, so I was probably never going to watch it. But Disney gives us Hulu for free, so I recently watched all 9 Planet Of The Apes movies (1968-2017), which I highly recommend for LGBTQIA+ propaganda-free viewing. I'm going to the movie theater today to watch the new Apes movie and since Disney now owns Fox I'm a little worried that there will be a nonbinary sapiosexual genderqueer gorilla.

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Well now thank YOU for the recommendation! I always thought of those movies the way I do about the three stooges or hogans heroes--like a punishment. But now I'm ape-curious thanks to you. Also you're hilarious but you already know that.

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Thank you! Yes, I felt the same way! I remember my brothers watching them on TV when we were kids and I was never interested. But they are SO GOOD! There are 5 original movies, the weird Tim Burton one with Mark Wahlberg, and then the newer ones with Andy Serkis. The new series is EXCELLENT! You will enjoy.

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Woooo! And other assorted ape noises.

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"Ape-iosexual" 😂

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May 25Liked by Mrs Miller

It was a strange series. I was engrossed in much of it, but found the trans romance the weakest part. The trans actor spent his performance performing femininity, not developing a character of any character.. it was terribly distracting and unbelievable. Martha, was fabulous!

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Mrs Miller

Like you, I found the presentation of the trans partner as the voice of reason particularly disturbing. I would like to add that "Baby Reindeer" is one of the most interesting series I've seen in ages, for its unflinching examination of all that is going wrong in the Western world. (Perhaps I should write my own essay on this, it intrigues me so much).

First off, Martha is a childless, unmarried, middle-aged woman. On another post, someone took me to task for pointing out that certain unmet maternal impulses are clearly running amok. (My detractor insisted that childless women do better than women with children "because they don't have dependents." ) What death cult rot that is. Anyway, I was sympathetic to Martha to a certain extent for this reason. She needs someone to love and care for and Donny gets caught in the crosshairs. We now have a culture running amok on misguided female unmet biological impulses, such as infantilizing criminals and so on.

Donny lives in his ex-girlfriend's mother's house while pursuing his career. Of course the ex-girlfriend is of another race. Can't have white couples any more. The typical viewer can only admire Donny if he's not with a vanilla woman. That boosts his hero cred, does it not.

The TV producer's sexual abuse and Donny as a victim is something I'm on the fence about. Of course it's "wrong" to abuse one's power in this way. And I could certainly sympathize with Donny's powerlessness in the situation, i.e. his inability to refuse taking the drugs that would sedate him into supplication. At the same time, he got into a cage with a lion, so to speak. What bothered me was that relaying the abuse in front of an audience was a means to gaining sympathy; in other words, victims win in this Brave New World.

Everyone in this story is isolated and acting out on that.

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Hero cred is the currency all right. People in one of the YouTube comments sections were criticizing Gadd for saying "trans" woman rather than just woman. But how would he virtue signal without specifying? Also agree regarding the black ex. And misguided maternal instincts. I look forward to reading your reindeer essay!

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May 24Liked by Mrs Miller

I watched it (peer pressure! Ha) and I agree with everything you say (but I often do) Definitely grooming.

I found it interesting how Gadd turned to a trans dating site after being raped by a man, becoming promiscuous as a result and sleeping with men AND women then finally feeling unsure of his sexuality, he turns to a trans identified male who it seems he considered to be the ‘best of both’.

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Yes and he gets to virtue signal his Kindness!

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May 24Liked by Mrs Miller

I couldn't get past episode 2! I found it so frustrating.. Great post Mrs Miller ..

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Thanks Dolly! Can't blame you.

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May 24Liked by Mrs Miller

This is exactly what I thought when I watched this miasma of a show, getting dragged down deeper with every episode: "one giant sleight-of-hand to normalize trans-identified people even more than society has been trying to do since they rewrote the DSM in 2013." The only "normal" voice is that of the abnormal. Which is how they make movies (read: messages) these days. A lot of balls in the air but one subtle, yet discernible take-away.

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May 25Liked by Mrs Miller

Thank you for watching so that I did not have to. I could not get past some dialog of Teri's about the importance of honesty or truth or authenticness or something; I literally paused the show to shout at the screen, "Says the dude who's PRETENDING to be a woman??!" I'm glad I didn't get any deeper, it sounds demented.

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Mrs Miller please forgive what will seem like shameless self promotion but I’m just so glad someone else is writing about this and wanted to share mine. I wrote this scathing piece bc I was just so disturbed. Mostly because I know this is actually how he got the Netflix show. This is the level of humiliation the entertainment cabal takes people to - and then they get a shiny gold award for it. It’s so sick. Also thanks for so many links I’m so going to continue my deep dive. I like yours better for this reason, mine was just a po’d rant: https://open.substack.com/pub/amyloftus/p/innocent-title-disturbing-agenda?r=qxa33&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Nothing to forgive. Glad to hear I'm not alone! I restacked your piece.

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Thank you!! I’ll restack yours now. Let me just say that no editing or laundry is getting done this afternoon, as planned. It’s been awhile since I put my feet up and indulged in a dig like this. Just SO fascinating!!

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It is! And it's a nice break from politics as usual.

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Our household was both repelled & intrigued- the latter as unsure where it was going. Also it was hard to ignore the 'Scottish' element: both him & her (we're Scottish).Was this some v late reaction to Calvinism, the weather, the belt as corporal punishment? No. But certainly topical re the SNP's grasping for votes & some sort of hip cred through its absurd gender recognition act to which they were supernaturally attached (or should that be through Stonewall brainwashing/'being seen as champions'?) Nonethetheless, 2 strands cohere. 1) those most ambivalent or confused about same sex attraction are most keen on 'chick's with dicks'. 2) those who are or were most homophobic, now fervently avow all that is trans, as if to expiate their sins prior to legalisation, marriage etc (ie they got it wrong then, but want to get it right now! And they want to dazzle all with their virtue!)

I find it hard to believe paying audience would sit rapt having expected comedy & instead got the whining rhetoric of a sick man. Is that what so many have now become, with few prepared to call out the emperor's clothes as a lie; a bad sell; a dupe of the highest order? Baby Reindeer is a bleat turned into a narcissistic howl that tries to drag us into its self-serving 'honesty' without ever posing any genuine Qs about who, what, why, how - which a good narrative, a sound story does.

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I watched it and was like “oh, so the guys gay then but can’t accept that.”

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I HATE this trans BS more and more every day

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I picked up exactly what you did. I felt angry that the stalker was portrayed ikn such a bad way, as it was clear she needed help and not public humiliation. I would sue the pants of Richard gadd for dping that. I also have my rainbow 16 yr old daughter saying how disturbing it is, NOT the trans issue but everyone else in the movie. Even portraying any gay sex bad (rape is bad, but they HAD to make the gay guy a rapist didn't they as they want to trans the gay away) and your conclusion on how uber normal the trans guy was, the face of calm and reason and OTT traditional values, was F&%*ED up and DEEPLY disturbing to me. I fwlt exactly how you felt and I saw it too and I hate that everyone I praising this film. His dating a trans man after trauma is highly uncomfortable, not normal and not traditional and not ok.

I'm starting to tell my son who on this awful self diagnosing trans journey, that trans people might be good people (some of them anyway) but they are confused and mentally unwell and conning the entire world, which I think is dishonest and disturbing.

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“The bartender looked like a sweaty addict and the stalker acted so desperate it gave me anxiety.” That’s exactly how I felt the first, and only two times, I tried to watch it, managed episode 1 and haven’t bothered behind that.

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Netflix ='violent sexist ageist dumbed down misogny - Where is Julia Davis ? Judy Davis ? Bette Davis ? ... in the bloody 1940's mature women had whole lives on screen .... as did "real" men ....progress? ... where are the songs ? The lives of comics ? Of brilliant writers of humanity ... its all cosplay and muck by pretentious idiocy

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