Well, we knew this day would come! It sounds like it’s working out (Sally Field LOL) so that’s good! I think it is important to note this: anyone who reads this blog loves Miss Miller. We’re not laughing at her or scorning her. She sounds like such a cool, smart kid—compassionate, talented, and definitely more poised than we were at her age, as you note. We read because we’re concerned about her being caught up in this awful trend and are rooting for her (and the entire Miller family) to get out of it. To mention another great Depeche Mode song, this blog is The Meaning of Love. ❤️

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This comment is love in itself Gary! Thank you!

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I was nervous as I started reading that one, but overcome with relief and emotion by the end. Now I’m all vuhklempt, yet somehow lucid enough to quote from an early post of mine: “I become more and more convinced that sunlight, whether or not it can fully or quickly disinfect anything, is the only way forward for us,” because this is the monster you created by name checking me in— was it the first sentence? —I must go back and verify!🧐

Mrs, you have achieved the Fuck-You Life (Meghan Daum’s excellent phrase: works like fuck-you money except in commercial settings) that you deserve. All that’s left is to bask in the sunlight you’ve made!😎🥂

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Maybe we can pod again but with miss miller and her theatre pals since it's all in the open now! 🌞🌞🌞

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That could happen, but in the nearer term, Hippiesq and I want to do a 3-way with you next month, whaddayasay?

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hell yeah!

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Third sentence. Okay. It’s cool. Room to grow.

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Always so glad to read your updates. Here's to you and your beautiful family!

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You be scrollin' they be hatin'

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Jun 27Liked by Mrs Miller

Love this. You rock! ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Mrs Miller


You and your daughter love each other. Not needing to hide is a relief. I'm breathing with you.

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I swear I finally started waking up without my heart pounding with panic and dread. Thank you beeswax. 🖤💛🖤💛

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Jun 27Liked by Mrs Miller

My heart is singing on reading this post

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Jun 27Liked by Mrs Miller

it's lovely to read a story that has a hopeful resolution, at least for now. So many stories of trans madness are dark and too real to be ignored. I long for such a "calmversation" myself with my own daughter. We are still in a weird limbo; we don't discuss the subject but she's not demanding anything. I wonder though, if she's lying about everything.

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I think we're all traumatized. As far as I've read till now, no demands is awfully hopeful.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Mrs Miller

Love you Mrs. Miller! And I love each and everyone in your family!!

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Jun 30Liked by Mrs Miller

Im glad its put in the open now, i know how hard it is to havw all these secret outlets behind our confused, groomed, indoctrinated kids. I have looked at this whole thing very critically for years now and there is no way this is a healthy mindset, to believe you need to change gender. The best way a parent can love their children, is to help them love themselves. Sadly, this whole identity BS gping on does nothing but make them hate themselves. It's sad many people out there virtue signalling cannot see how they are enabling self hatred and delusion, even of they believe they have the better intentions. The words "cruel to be kind", "the truth hurts", "Truth IS love", "lies always harm", "lies lead to more lies" and "the truth will set you free" come to mind.

I hope the Trans enablers one day wake up and really look into this. They aren't helping. They aren't on the right side of history and they aren't the good guys in this story 😬😬🥺🥺🙏🙏

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Well said Al.

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Jun 30Liked by Mrs Miller

So incredibly happy for you and your family!

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Thank you Ruth!

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Jun 28Liked by Mrs Miller

I have yet to read one of your posts without bawling my eyes out. This one was happy bawling. I sense so much love.

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Awww thank you. That's a high compliment. Sending you some love ! ❤️

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I was lured in by Depeche Mode, but stayed for the feel-good story. Those moments when the bullshit falls away and you can just be a family are priceless. Wishing you and your family the best!

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Thank you!

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Jun 27Liked by Mrs Miller

That’s so great to read. And a lovely new content for your family member to enjoy. I’ve just spent a wonderful 3 weeks in Japan with my son. And he’s chosen to stay with my when we got home rather than going straight to his dads. Not a stitch of pride in Japan. We were together 24/7 and it was wonderful every single day. We got on amazingly, laughed and had such fun. He is still trans… but definitely softer. 💛

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Sounds like a dream! So happy to hear. The softer-ness is huge.

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The tight rope (actually what is thinner than a tight rope? A tight single cord string? A thread?) we all have to walk as parents navigating this is unbelievable. Glad your daughter was reasonable.

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I live this post ❤️

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