Hee hee! How about that asshole from 'Queer Eye'? The one who cries about all the poor little trans children not being able to be 'their true selves'. Or George Takei. Jeffrey Marsh! My fantasy doesn't go as far as yours...all I want to do is sit these gay men down (Clockwork Orange-style) and force them to look at a series of photos of 'transmen' with Frankenpenises. "Are you aroused???"
“And let’s not forget” in the immortal words of Walter Subchak in the big Lebowski, “let’s not forget” the denial of countless rapes on October 7th in Israel. I will never forgive the world for downplaying that.
I’ve always said that for £50,000 (let’s not be cheap 😂) a year I’d happily walk into a room where the pedo is strapped to the chair. Next to him or her is a gun, loaded and ready to be fired.
I’d just walk in, pick up the gun and bang. Job done.
Every guidance counselor, therapist, pediatrician and nurse that perpetuates the lie should be in jail. As should the executives at the clinics and hospitals that provide the drugs and surgeries. But there needs to be a special place in hell reserved for the parents who willingly and gleefully lead their kids to slaughter simply for their own desire to feel accepted and morally superior in this sick cult.
My neighbors are those parents. I agree, and I also cannot wrap my head around how they got brainwashed too. To do that to their kids. So Amen, Long Enough. 🙏🏼
“Showering people with understanding and empathy leaves little room for the kind of shame that breeds true growth and meaningful transcendence. You must get caught on the hook of truth in order to then free yourself. You must come to the mortifying conclusion that YOU are at fault, that YOU is responsible for the hurt you’ve caused others.”
So powerfully stated. I think you’re truly on to something here. I think about this a lot, how the shallow blanket ethic of “be kind” allows for deeper evil and harm to go unchallenged. How shame has a role in protecting boundaries in and between us. Our pathological search for a comfortable, painless existence has dulled our understanding of ourselves and diminished our willingness to experience the pain of spiritual growth. Hence our society seems to be spiraling continually downward.
Many people are beginning to wake up, though. So I have hope. The hook of truth is ever present for anyone with the courage to feel and acknowledge it, to live in awareness of it. It wasn’t for nothing that Jesus said: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
My state's governor, Mike DeWine, of Ohio. "The doctor says it's got to go to save your life!! Snip snip - how do you like it, Mike? Any regrets for that veto?"
Honestly just mutilated genitals & nipples & being able to have sex/make love with any kind of satisfaction seems appropriate. I just can’t get over how progressives went from “sex positive” to essentially castrating kids/leaving them unable to orgasm (?!).
“Narissists do not like being criticized, especially when their critic has a point. There’s no nectar more tempting than diminishing a critic to make yourself feel—and look—better. The honey goes down sweet but grows bitter in the gut, twisting, ever twisting.”
Mrs. Miller, thank you deeply from my shaking heart; in under 50 words, you have described one of my worst shortcomings. It stings, is not sitting well and gods willing is a step towards purging this demon from within.
Hee hee! How about that asshole from 'Queer Eye'? The one who cries about all the poor little trans children not being able to be 'their true selves'. Or George Takei. Jeffrey Marsh! My fantasy doesn't go as far as yours...all I want to do is sit these gay men down (Clockwork Orange-style) and force them to look at a series of photos of 'transmen' with Frankenpenises. "Are you aroused???"
Forced copulation for all those losers!
“And let’s not forget” in the immortal words of Walter Subchak in the big Lebowski, “let’s not forget” the denial of countless rapes on October 7th in Israel. I will never forgive the world for downplaying that.
Amen Jean. And that's not bitterness. It's righteous rage.
Hate the UN women organizations for that in particular but UN in general! Not only useless and also harmful.
Here in the UK, the death penalty is banned.
I’ve always said that for £50,000 (let’s not be cheap 😂) a year I’d happily walk into a room where the pedo is strapped to the chair. Next to him or her is a gun, loaded and ready to be fired.
I’d just walk in, pick up the gun and bang. Job done.
Let's definitely not be cheap! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
I hope 2024 is.........I don’t even know for your family 😂😂. If 2023 was shit then I hope 2024 is better.
That's perfect! 🤩 You too Vulkan!
Every guidance counselor, therapist, pediatrician and nurse that perpetuates the lie should be in jail. As should the executives at the clinics and hospitals that provide the drugs and surgeries. But there needs to be a special place in hell reserved for the parents who willingly and gleefully lead their kids to slaughter simply for their own desire to feel accepted and morally superior in this sick cult.
My neighbors are those parents. I agree, and I also cannot wrap my head around how they got brainwashed too. To do that to their kids. So Amen, Long Enough. 🙏🏼
“Showering people with understanding and empathy leaves little room for the kind of shame that breeds true growth and meaningful transcendence. You must get caught on the hook of truth in order to then free yourself. You must come to the mortifying conclusion that YOU are at fault, that YOU is responsible for the hurt you’ve caused others.”
So powerfully stated. I think you’re truly on to something here. I think about this a lot, how the shallow blanket ethic of “be kind” allows for deeper evil and harm to go unchallenged. How shame has a role in protecting boundaries in and between us. Our pathological search for a comfortable, painless existence has dulled our understanding of ourselves and diminished our willingness to experience the pain of spiritual growth. Hence our society seems to be spiraling continually downward.
Many people are beginning to wake up, though. So I have hope. The hook of truth is ever present for anyone with the courage to feel and acknowledge it, to live in awareness of it. It wasn’t for nothing that Jesus said: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
I love that quote. Thank you Leah! Excellent comment. ❤️
My state's governor, Mike DeWine, of Ohio. "The doctor says it's got to go to save your life!! Snip snip - how do you like it, Mike? Any regrets for that veto?"
Honestly just mutilated genitals & nipples & being able to have sex/make love with any kind of satisfaction seems appropriate. I just can’t get over how progressives went from “sex positive” to essentially castrating kids/leaving them unable to orgasm (?!).
You said it. The mind does not stop boggling.
I meant “unable” but you know what I mean
“Narissists do not like being criticized, especially when their critic has a point. There’s no nectar more tempting than diminishing a critic to make yourself feel—and look—better. The honey goes down sweet but grows bitter in the gut, twisting, ever twisting.”
Mrs. Miller, thank you deeply from my shaking heart; in under 50 words, you have described one of my worst shortcomings. It stings, is not sitting well and gods willing is a step towards purging this demon from within.
It's my shortcoming too Matthew. We'll purge together.