Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Mrs. M.,

When you have a chance, I recommend that you listen to or watch Megyn Kelly’s Episode 895 from Sept. 20. It will comfort and delight you. She and fellow journalist Maureen Callahan demolish Kamala, Oprah, and their fancy celebrity friends. Then Megyn goes after Big Daddy Walz for his childhood transitioning policy that enables kids to become wards of the state in order to liberate them from their transphobic parents.

A word of support regarding the progressives in your life: we can’t help them. There’s no hope of their seeing through the ideological fog that tells them Kamala is a competent person. She has to be competent, because they have no other choices. All other choices were removed from the ballot for them.

Besides, anything, even a department store mannequin, would be better than Trump. Remember January 6th? Etc. And oh yeah, GIRL POWER!

My parents’ deaths were a rite of passage, which is ongoing. There’s only so much we can learn at any given moment, but death makes life real. The stakes are obvious and inevitable. I think I’m becoming a better person for it.

The tidal wave of pain will subside as you absorb the wisdom of that wave. Then you will surf on it and go someplace new. You probably already have.

Please accept my sympathies, and keep writing.

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I stayed up past my bedtime watching Megyn and Maureen! So satisfying. And thank you as always. 🩵❤️

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

OK! Great minds…

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Tell me how you really feel!! Love it!

Same with many in my family.

My struggle is trying to respect them when they won't dig into the inconsistencies between what they say they believe and what their candidates actions are bringing to reality in our nation. Trans, Title IX and women's rights seems to be the most obvious.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Well THIS election year truly underscores how uneducated the “educated” are, since that’s what defines the divide.

There are no policies for Harris to speak of. Do these people truly listen?

They are voting for Harris because:

1. She will resolve inflation by having grown up middle class.

2. She will resolve the national debt by having grown up middle class.

3. She will resolve the border crisis by having witnessed people in her formative years who cared about their lawns.

4. She tilts at “abortion ban” windmills knowing full well the economy will make raising children impossible, why not decide in the 11th hour to let it die on the table.

5. She owns a gun so you don’t have to.

6. Most importantly -- she's not white, and not male.

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Finally! She put some policy choices on her website!

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Seriously. I just had a tense conversation with my sister that started off with me lamenting how all my "friends" have disassociated themselves from me for revealing that I'm voting for Trump, and ended up with her kinda defending them. Like many liberals, she purposely doesn't pay attention to politics, except that she's somehow thoroughly brainwashed into believing that Trump is trying to dismantle democracy. I tried to debunk all the hoaxes but she didn't want to hear it. She actually thinks Kamala is more qualified than Hillary, but when pressed, couldn't really explain, and just said she was excited to finally have a woman president, who's also black. Sigh. At least she will never cancel me like my friends did, but it's hard not to lose a little respect for her over her uneducated vote and stubborn refusal to look for the truth.

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

I mean, say what you want about Hillary Clinton (I used to be a big fan until she went totally pro trans and refused to stand up for women and girls), at least she can give interviews and speeches without devolving into embarrassing word salad.

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Letting go of my respect for Hillary, with whom I fell in love in 1991 while in college, was very painful. That was probably the biggest 'wtf??!'' for me of gender ideology.

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Ugh, me too. I had all her books, met her at a book signing, defended her against the asshole Obama supporters calling her and all Hillary supporters racist back in 2008. I really thought she would stand strong on that issue. Same with Lynda Carter. I felt so betrayed.

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Sep 22Liked by Mrs Miller

Thanks for your writings. In your opinion, in your circles, how common is the person who hated Trump in 2016 who now will vote for him?

I am a conservative man in my 50’s physician and voted for him twice and will again, but I find him unsavory. Like I tell my friends— where the left stands, I am not. I am used to voting for people I don’t “love” so I can tell you that while Biden and Harris seem “nice people” I am not interested in the president as a national figurehead but as the head of the executive branch.

The lawfare/media war that has been waged against Trump is crazy, and reason enough NOT to vote for dems.

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Thanks Ernie. We are uncommon. But we're out there. I know two personally, maybe three... and i agree with your statement but I find myself warming to Trump more and more. Despite his very human failings.

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Sep 22Liked by Mrs Miller

Count me in! Voted third party in last two elections and now warming to Trump! Absolutely voting for him in 2024! But… I live in a deep blue Midwestern city so it won’t matter. :(

Also not brave enough to tell my family & friends yet. Have definitely brought up some points, shared some ideas with them.

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Sep 24Liked by Mrs Miller

I am one of them! And I also know at least two or three others. Many are very low key for fear of complete social and professional damnation 🙃

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Sep 25Liked by Mrs Miller

Yes this is me. Former blue voter, had total TDS in 2016/2020, but no more. Voting for him in 2024.

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Sep 24Liked by Mrs Miller

Forever Dem until my daughter told me she was a boy. The deeper I dove, the disgusting truth of what had become of my party was right before my eyes. And it just keeps becoming more apparent. I strongly dislike Trump. Never in a million years would I have cosidered voting for him. But my life was A LOT happier under the Trump administration. I will not speak a word to ANYONE who I vote for. Remember when people used to never share who they voted for. It was a privacy thing. Now we shout it, wear it, become it.

I'm very grateful to have found Mrs Miller and others who I can relate to.

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I totally agree. Loved Reagan. I voted for Bush 1, Dole, W, McCain, and Romney. Held my nose each time. Never believed they would really fight for conservative values and they continually proved me right. I did not vote for Trump in the '16 or '20 primaries, but did in the general. He reminds me of what they said of U.S. Grant, "I can't spare this man, he fights".

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

And there we go — she said “the freedom to be who you are” and we all know what that is code for. Sigh.

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Yes me too! SIGH.

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My heart goes out to y’all.

And yes, kringe is the new joy. Vapid, values challenged, lying, cluster B airhead - and most of my family will happily vote for her too 😭

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Sep 22Liked by Mrs Miller

My change came when I learned, belatedly, about the trans scam.

The fact that I wasn't aware, and I should have been if you consider my position as a left-wing mom, also told me that information had somehow been kept from me. Then I saw the lies and the censorship.

The trans scam, and the censorship required to make it work, is a total dealbreaker for me. We have never faced any more dire social situation than this, the biggest medical scandal in the history of humanity.

Why anyone who knows what's going on would vote for this agenda- it's beyond comprehension. Delusional cult behavior.

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Same here.

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Sep 22Liked by Mrs Miller

I hear you... grief is a bitch and so is Kamala... the difference is that grief in some weird way is cathartic and deep and you get wiser from it... I dare say with kamala you learn nothing, she's as shallow as a pea in a spoon and not cathartic in any way, but rather like plastic fork scratching at your wounds...i ACTUALLY felt I got a little bit dumber watching that Oprah interview. I was SO, almost ridiculously, somewhat BESMIRCHED by simply witnessing the thing. Those flowy, flappy hands trying to cast spells on everyone who watches, that nasal, dopey witch cackle and the incantation of meaningless word salad... yes... definitely... I came back a different person... cos now I dislike her even more, and now I can catefmgirocally say that anyone who votes for this woman is either

a. A Fool

b. A Marxist

c. A Tranny or Soy Boy

d. A Criminal

e. All of the above

I swear she was trying to hypnotize everyone with those hands!!! Cos if not, then I am even more shocked that she is such a bad actor if she think those gestures look authentic.... My God, it's a trainwreck.

Ps. Mrs Miller, me and my husband cannot agree in this either. I know how hard this can be when you want the support of your husband. You want him to trust you on this one thing, as it's so important, but instead he looks at you like you've lost the plot. Its especially hard as being a patent in this trans war, you long so much more for a better relationship with your partner, as it's such a lonely road. so When they abandon you, it cuts deep.... real deep

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Where's the love button? Ally you nailed it ALL. 🔥🙏🏼❤️⭐️

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

I think you hit the nail on the head about the feeling of spiritual awakening - it washes away years and layers worth of gaslighting bullshit.

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"I eat depression for breakfast." - You crack me up. Sorry you're going through it right now, truly.

Sanctioned grief caught my eye - PITT parents have the opposite. The gender affirming crowd sees our grief as inappropriate - unsanctioned.

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Yes! Excellent point. It's a luxury to get sympathy and empathy and support from everyone.

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Sep 24Liked by Mrs Miller

Every trans young person I see, I automatically know there are 2 more parents out there dying inside.

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Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but how sure are we that there really IS a Kamala Harris? Or is what we see a deepfake hologram, coupled with a buggy AI voice and canned responses (a politicized version of Chatty Cathy)? Maybe not, but...

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Welp, the video portion you qued to just terrified me and made me more nervous about WWIII. Putin and the Ayatollah are gonna eat her (us) for mid morning snack.

And can she not even say that Americans are all about free speech? It’s like it never crosses her mind. Because without free speech she couldn’t fight for the rights of her beloved trannies or for women (not men) who wish to terminate pregnancies. No joy without the first amendment.

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First off, condolences on the loss and the grief. I'm sure it doesn't seem like it, but I think you are holding your own and yes, there is some gift if the oozing genital cancer sore, that is the kamala distraction.

You're subtitle could easily have been, "If you vote Kamala you are a fucking retard."

Justice would be if all these F'ing beloved messengers (the scumbags of entertainment in all it's forms, to include sports) had to be shoved up the asses of these democrat, liberal, progressive F'tards for a year, yes literally as penance for the willfully blind trick fuckery they foisted on the masses for the sake of their pseudo elitism, agenda/ideology fealty and loathing of the stupid general public, who granted them those pedestals they haughtily sit on.

That POS opah, will ride her epstien/diddy demon soul to the very end, selling her bullshit to the idiots, that can't slurp enough of it from her liberal belly teats.

You cannot hate or loathe these people enough.

Sorry, that pic of julia dumbass and then the kackler and opah lit the short fuse today.

Back to the normal people. I hope you keep finding healthy ways, through this grief. Thank you for sharing this, as my mother is older, dealing with dementia and I will be facing this sometime in the near future.

Praying for you and your crew, as well as the country and Trump. As they say, think what you want about him and the lies they soak the public with about him, but if God had no purpose for him, he'd have died in Butler.

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Sorry, had to add this last part…I know it’s not nice to call harris a dumb b*tch, so I won’t, but will leave this video to do it for me, like hundred of others could do equally well.


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Best Kamala policy I've ever heard.

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Sep 21Liked by Mrs Miller

Tell it Mrs Miller!!!

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Too many gears--that's exactly the problem. There is no leading some people out of this.

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