I really wish DeSantis or Nikki Haley were running on the Republican ticket instead of Trump. Don’t get me wrong. I will vote for Trump. His platform regarding transgender policy is enough to seal the deal on that for me. Call me a one-issue voter—when it comes to the safety and sanctity of my family, that’s cool with me.
I have been burned far more by the left than I have by Trump. That is a fact. When Miss Miller’s school changed her name and pronouns behind my back, the injustice came from the left. When the superintendent, principal, teachers, school board and guidance counselor ignored my plea for a return to reality and sanity, those deafening crickets were fed by the left.
It’s disheartening that Trump inspires so much paranoia, vitriol and hatred. It could mean we get Biden for another four years. Which will be another four years of misogyny, antisemitism, gaslighting, racism and chaos.
I used to hate Trump with a passion. I cried the morning he won the election. I listened to the Bulwark, NPR, The Daily Beast and Pod Save America. I read his niece’s memoir with gusto. I subscribed to The New York Times and Washington Post. My screen name was “Orange Jumpsuit.”
I didn’t embrace Trump when I left the left. He didn’t soften around the arrogant edges, and at this point I wouldn’t ask him to if I could. But where I used to dismiss Biden’s head-sniffing, I now overlook Trump’s crassness. Especially after he made this speech about “left wing gender insanity.” Listening to him speak, I couldn’t believe that for the first time, I liked this guy. Here was a candidate saying he would stop the trans train from wreaking more havoc. Finally! That was when I knew I would vote for him in 2024.
Others experienced conservative awakenings about mandatory covid vaccines, CRT or more recently, October 7. But far too many people in this country still believe that Trump is an extra special threat to democracy. That sentiment was on full display at the congressional hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. While Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Rupa Subramanya laid out facts, those on the left diverged completely from the issue at hand, instead railing against former president Trump. One YouTube commenter put it succinctly:
R: Facts and data
D: Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
R: Facts and data
D: Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
Trump is a wet dream of a boogeyman for the Left, with his crass populist ways, and he plays right into Deomocrats’ morally superior hands. If only he tempered his speech with nuance. If only he refrained from hurling insults. If only he didn’t brag so damn much. But then he wouldn’t be Trump. Some people love that about him. Me, eh. But like I said before, it’s not a deal breaker. Not anymore.
Moving on, here’s a handy, incomplete list of how the left is doing the EXACT thing they are accusing Trump of doing, written with a dollop of vindictive satisfaction. Please to enjoy.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins, he will use his presidential power to pummel his enemies and yet on the left, he is being indicted again and again. This is the Biden administration using its executive power to attack a political opponent.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins he will destroy international relations, yet regarding foreign policy, the Biden Administration (among other things) sends aid packages to Iran, which inadvertently foments anti-American sentiment on our own soil and funds terrorism against our ally, Israel. It’s a mess out there.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins he will embolden right wing extremism, yet on the “kindness is everything” left we see American Jewish citizens attacked for their religion by pro-Palestinian thugs on college campuses and in society at large. We have seen left-wing extremists destroy the careers of college professors, mob athletes, burn property and assault fellow citizens.
On the left, people are freaking out that Trump is a misogynist, yet on the left, women are losing their rights, dignity and safety in sports, school bathrooms and prisons. Democrat policies that allow men and adolescent boys in women’s spaces amount to violence against women far more brutal than being called a dog or farm animal.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins he will destroy the freedoms of the LGBTQIIAA++ “community” yet on the left, radical trans activism has usurped freedom of speech, upended reality and sanity, and has compromised the safety of thousands of American children. Even trans people themselves oppose transgender politics, policies and “pediatric healthcare” because they harm more lives than they help in America—including the lives of LGBT citizens.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins, civil war will break out. The constitution will lie in tatters. Yet on the left we’ve already witnessed violence in the streets, cities devolving into tented dystopias and the first amendment of our Constitution violated before our eyes.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump is elected, he will “unwind generations of progress” when it comes to civil rights, yet on the left—where the KKK originated FYI—Jews and Asians are being openly targeted and black citizens continue to experience poverty and demoralization that began with Democrat policies back when LBJ was in the White House. For anyone crying “systemic racism,” you’re right, but it’s not coming from where you think. Rather, it’s coming from the left.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins, abortion will be banned everywhere, yet the left wants to make abortion legal at any stage during pregnancy, and PS—men can get pregnant. Jokes aside, Trump thinks it’s a mistake to unilaterally and federally ban abortions, and believes it should be a matter for states to decide.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins, he will bury the climate change issue. I say GOOD. Here’s why.
On the left, people are freaking out that if Trump wins, he will continue to “attack scientific studies that stand in the way of his agenda,” yet the “science is real” left does the very same thing. It also cries bigotry to to those who question the efficacy, safety and rigor of so-called gender-affirmative care. For crying out loud, the left can’t even define the word ‘woman.’
There are many more examples of this hypocrisy but I can’t resist the finite roundness of the number ten. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments.
In summation, you won’t see me gadding about town in a MAGA hat, but I no longer believe that Trump is a “unique threat” to our constitution, peace or democracy in the USA. Trans tyranny cured me of my Trump Derangement Syndrome. I wish to God it had done so for other family members, but I’m still grateful for my awakening, and for you, Dear Reader.
Bravo Mrs Miller and thank you for the compilation. Idk who Im voting for, but they will not be a Democrat. I'm done. Sickened by what they've pushed onto our confused mentally disturbed young people. There is no going back. America has fallen since Biden became "president".
My hope is Trump and his team see the opportunity of all the lost Dems votes. They situate themselves to appeal to us in a moderate centrist fashion. He drops the child like behavior, gets serious about the obvious and leads our country out of this terrible lunacy we are living.
My daughter desisted. Thank the Universe. I pray for your Miss Miller to do the same. I know the pain and sorrow. Stick to your convictions, show her we are all being lied to, teach her to criticality think on other topics besides trans and be her parent, not her friend. Sending YOU so much strength💪 ♡
Bookmark! I don't know yet whether I will vote for Trump or just abstain, but I appreciate you putting this together.
I get so confused when Liberals say Trump is a 'threat to democracy'--the Democratic Party doesn't even have democratic elections! I watched in real time as they stole two primaries away from Bernie Sanders (with assistance from the media). They LITERALLY argued in court that they can go in a backroom and choose whoever they want, so basically the Democratic primary is pointless theater.
I am a single issue voter too. One thing I wonder: Do you think Trump would stick to his guns on his transgender policy? He has been known to flip positions.