Walz was once a moderate. He no longer is. He represents the journey of the Democratic Party to crazy on some issues: crime, burning cities, trans ideology, and indulging the Muslim Brotherhood offshoots in the US. He didn’t start out this way. But here he is cuz that’s what his Party is. The trajectory has made many of us politically homeless
I think you and I could be great friends. Anyway when Walz was in Congress he had to please a fairly conservative constituency. As governor he’s gone woke with the usual crap. The worst is that he dithered when Minneapolis burned. And his wife thought the smell of burning tires was a ‘touchstone’ whatever that means.
Mrs. Miller- I appreciate your posts and wish you the best in your journey. To me the term "politically homeless" is a copout utilized to express "but Trump". Do I think Trump is the greatest presidential candidate ever? Hell no, but when you look at how far his adversaries go to demonize him and misuse Federal agencies and the legal system to concoct BS lawsuits and make up "Russian collusion" narratives anyone who appreciates the way our system of government is supposed to work should be disgusted. I might add that Trump isn't the only victim-as an example look up the Biden-Harris administration's placement of Tulsi Gabbard on the "Quiet Skies" TSA "terrorist" surveillance program. So shocking (Ha!) that it was initiated at the same time as the coronation of Kamala as the Dem's presidential nominee. You may remember that Gabbard eviscerated Harris in the 2020 debates so naturally now is an enemy of the state.
Thank you Rock! Excellent points. I heart Tulsi. Russian collusion and state secrets came in up in my conversation today, as a matter of fact. Your comment reminded me.
I’m curious, how does Mr. M feel about having a candidate selected for him? Did he vote in the primary? If Kackles was the nominee back then would she have been his choice? Because, you know, it’s all about “democracy.” I give you tons of props for being able to stay up on that tightrope.
This was a fun read Mrs. M. Give my regards to Mr. M. But I really like that the two of you disagree and still respect each other. FWIW I think both parties are in transition. And really there is no place left to go but back to the middle.
Just yesterday I promised myself never to talk to my ex and oldest friend about the election ever again. Every day she memorizes the Daily Democrat New Spin, and dutifully updates and memorizes the details as the story changes. Yesterday it was: Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar. She was only the Vice President, and the Vice President has no power! What could she do? She was never tasked with fixing the immigration problem, just going down there and checking how many immigrants there were. And so on. I'm known her for 45 years, we live near each other and one of us will bury the other one. But in terms of politics, I'm done.
But when you're married to someone, that's a whole 'nother conundrum.
If you haven't seen it, try sharing this Quillette article with your husband. I sent it to my sister, who is defensive and hostile towards me where politics are concerned. You know that smug superiority that progressives have, where they think it's perfectly fine to insult you and sneer at you and roll their eyes like you're an idiot? Like that.
Well, she thanked me for sending the article, which was a first, and said it was very well written and important because she finds this boxing business "disturbing."
It's an objective piece of science journalism written for the layperson. It's not too long or technical, and it lands exactly where it's supposed to. When you're done reading it, you go, "okay, I get it now."
That's because it's not about transgenderism. The dudes in question don't identify as transgender, they were raised from infancy to believe they were girls because of their ambiguous genitalia. It shouldn't matter; a dude is a dude is a dude, but in this case, it's easier for liberals to swallow the truth, because they're not afraid of being transphobic. It's wacky and illogical, but what about trans isn't wacky and illogical? All that matters to me is that people saw the brutality of men battering women, and acknowledged the truth.
Thanks for all that beeswax. Much appreciated. I think Mr M gets it now re khelif but I will definitely hold onto the article. Moreover I feel your frustration in dealing with your ex. I received the same treatment. Which is not kind or respectful as the left likes to describe itself. You remind me too of additional bits of our conversation that I left out, regarding VPs having so little responsibility that they're not worth criticizing. Which of course is weird if you then call Vance an untrustworthy opportunist.
Wright is a bit of a fraud and a grifter, a scientific and philosophical illiterate. He's peddling definitions for the sexes that are flatly contradicted by ones published in any number of reputable biological journals, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
> "The dudes in question don't identify as transgender, they were raised from infancy to believe they were girls because of their ambiguous genitalia."
You might take a look at the photos of those with CAIS, apparently what Khelif has. Most have a female phenotype -- any red-blooded Amurican boy would jump their bones at the drop of a hat:
But they have a male genotype -- XY chromosomes -- and internal and non-functional testicles that apparently don't always drop into the labia -- not noticeable at all.
However, a female phenotype or a male genotype is not what is required, in biology, to qualify as male or female -- which is to have functional gonads that are "on-line" and cranking out product. No gametes, no sex -- however much that may "offend" you and too many others.
Khelif and company are neither male nor female; they're sexless.
The Quillette article refers instead to PAIS (Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome): "...the only DSD of concern to sport affect genetic males who are also androgen sensitive—either fully, e.g. in the case of athletes with 5 alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD), or substantially, e.g. in the case of athletes with partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS)." That makes more sense to me, considering Khelif's features, muscularity and physical strength.
Would you be willing to share with us where you got access to Khelif's diagnosis? That's "inside baseball" kind of stuff and it's quite interesting.
Kinda think the Quillette article you linked to more or less confirms "female genitalia". And in several places -- you might consider reading it more closely:
Quillette: "Like Caster Semenya, there’s no indication that either Khelif or Lin identifies as transgender. This makes sense given that they were apparently assigned female at birth—meaning that this is what was written on their birth certificates—and because being transgender is generally a matter of self-identification."
Largely my point -- the "standard" criteria for the sexes are genitalia, the infamous Kindergarten Cop definitions -- i.e., boys (males) have penises and girls (females) have vaginas. Can't fault the IOC for endorsing the criteria that millions of midwives, from time immemorial, have been using. As Andrew Doyle, Himself, pointed out before banning and blocking me for challenging him on the point 🙄 ...
That's the problem in a nutshell -- what criteria are we going to use to grant membership in the sex categories? By the standard biological definitions, Khelif and most intersex are neither male nor female -- they can't produce either sperm or ova so qualify as sexless.
You might also try reading what those standards actually say -- not the antiscientific claptrap peddled by grifters and charlatans like Colin Wright and Alex Byrne.
I am well aware that Khelif and Lin are not transgender. They were raised female because of ambiguous genitalia that did not appear male. I am also aware that the shape of the genitals does not define ones biological sex. I also know that the scientific definition of sex is based on which gamete the body produces. But where DSDs are concerned, “standard biological definitions” are much harder to parse.
You initially asserted that Khelif has CAIS, but after being asked for evidence, you now say that he is “probably” CAIS. All we know for sure is that in the boxing ring, which is all I care about, he has the muscularity and strength of a man. I blame the IOC for making a corrupt and cowardly decision by allowing Khelid and Lin to compete in the wrong category so they could punch women in the face and win medals.
It’s no secret that Khelif and Lin have XY chromosomes. Carini said she was never punched in the face as hard as Khelif punched her. That is because she has been boxing against women the whole time, never men. Khelif is more likely PAIS than CAIS. Male chromosomes and some ability to metabolize testosterone give him the male sex advantage over females. Those two metrics answer the question for the purpose of sports. When the level playing field is subverted in this manner, fair competition becomes a contradiction in terms.
You read and “liked” my lengthy posts on Frederick Prete’s Substack, so you know what I think. My one and only concern is fairness for women in sports and all other woman-only sex-based activities and spaces. Khelif and Lin should be boxing against men or other DSD/XY individuals like themselves. That would be fair. Then their level of prowess could be fairly tested. I’ve said all I have to say.
Quite agree with you that Khelif and company shouldn't be in women's sports. But the issue and problem is the criteria to be used to adjudicate access, and the quite unscientific claim that they, in particular, are males -- which is flatly contradicted by the standard biological definitions I've quoted several times.
Think I responded to your comment on Prete's post by suggesting that, for women's sports, the criterion should be "no XY need apply". A more useful one might be having "ovaries of past, present, or future functionality" as Emma Hilton once suggested.
However, this comment of yours is also part of the problem:
"But where DSDs are concerned, 'standard biological definitions' are much harder to parse."
Don't see that at all. How hard is it to "parse" the consequential "no gametes, no sex"? Unless you don't want to try? Because you're "offended" by it?
Khelif and company probably can't produce either sperm or ova so qualify as sexless -- neither male nor female. The sexes aren't identities -- just labels denoting transitory reproductive abilities.
Searching for the truth is always painful to those who are having their “good intentions” challenged. You are in a search for truth while your husband just wants to be peaceful and stay in the “we are good people” bubble. I am in a similar struggle with my mother. I made a similar journey to yours Mrs. Miller but earlier because we are business owners in CA.
My husband pretty much was the catalyst for my political transformation, so we agree on most things, but we still can’t talk about them without annoying each other! And, he has banned me from writing about him. ???? Hence, not a lot of writing going on.
My husband too as I wrote after your last post. But lately he has been more sad than mad. I think it is the ghastly UK situation that is getting thru to him, where the left actually seems to be ok with the killing of little dancing girls. I think he is beginning to doubt the left but won't say so....yet.
I just love what you write! So full of ( Jewish? ) humor but also very wise! I find myself pretty much in your camp.. having once been a Democrat ( well, I’m Jewish, too ) and now ? With the liberal or rather illiberal stance on trans ideology , the support of wars( of course the Republicans are no better) I’m floundering.
I don’t have a Mr.Miller with whom
I can “ discuss “ how I feel. .. (except for one of my sons who is also turned off by so-called liberals) . All my friends have jumped on the Kamala bandwagon, and would find me” weird” if I tried to explain why I haven’t! Not that I would ever vote for Trump , drill baby drill , either!
It’s a very uncomfortable position to be in.
So reading your post was a refreshing experience! Thanks for that!
And I’m definitely not so young… at 95… and also having experienced fascism as a kid in Nazi Germany, I can smell authoritarianism a mile away. And now the present authoritarianism of the trans cult (and maybe the left )is more concerning than any future authoritarianism from Trump… I just don’t know.
I love your honesty, not just honesty, but brute honesty, the honesty underneath the stuff. But reading this, which reminded me of a lifetime of similar discussions, struggles with isms related to politics—speaking of “platforms” and who of our miserly two-person choice is worse than the other, drove me straight to: this is exactly what they want us to do. Fight over the media sound bytes. The affairs, the slurs, the “agendas” and alas, the values that each side adopts as their own. In other words, all the garbage that is American politics.
These aren’t real candidates. They are selected puppets who will mete out the agendas of those who pay and pull the strings. Both take blood money, both aren’t honest, both are bought and paid for. Like boxers in a ring, stage actors, scripted morons. And we lose friendships—and marriages fighting over this completely foolish game.
I say, get out of the game. Define a better way to live your lives.
I hope equilibrium finds the Miller household. It took years for my husband's conservative turn to make sense to me, but once I saw the matrix, I couldn't go back to sleep. Putting down the "guilt" suitcase is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it has given me so much freedom. I can ALMOST thank the lockdowns and mandates for helping me look up from my leftist sleepwalk.
Yes I feel that. Like bring on the next crazy thing so more people can wake up. I try to explain that every day brings another event that only validates my de-leftion. (Does that work? Left+defection) it takes real humility but it's so worth it like you say. Thank you. Your timeline gives me hope.
Sadly Trump is not the best person to carry this water. I predict Harris wins, we will have a progressive admin and the GOP will have to find a kind moderate. They should draft the Rock in 28
> "Then I explained what you and I know—that Khelif is an XY-bearing male ..."
You think XY is all that it takes to qualify as a human male?
The problem is that the IOC, and too many other scientific illiterates, are basically working on Kindergarten Cop definitions for the sexes: boys (males) have penises and girls (females) have vaginas. "Of course Khelif is a female! How dare you deny her claim to that estate?" 🙄
But the standard biological definitions for the sexes STIPULATE that to have a sex is to have FUNCTIONAL gonads of either of two types, those with neither being, ipso facto, sexless.
For example, see the Glossary definitions in this article (2014), by Parker [FRS] and Lehtonen, in the Oxford Journal of Molecular Human Reproduction (MHR) — titled, “Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of the two sexes”:
MHR: "Female: Biologically, the female sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces the larger gametes in anisogamous systems.
Male: Biologically, the male sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces the smaller gametes in anisogamous systems."
Absolutely diddly-squat there, or in any other definitions from equally reputable sources, about genitalia or chromosomes for some very important reasons, not least of which is that many other species don't use X & Y chromosomes to produce different sexes. In fact, in more than a few species males and females have the same chromosomes.
By those definitions, Khelif and most other intersex are neither male nor female; they're sexless. Khelif in particular is probably CAIS -- has a female genotype -- i.e., a vagina -- and a male genotype -- i.e., XY chromosomes. But she/he/it can't produce either sperm or ova -- ergo, sexless:
There is no such thing as sexless in mammals, particularly in humans. Through evolution , sex is binary..no third or fourth sex. The binary of sex is what has led to speciation.In primitive organisms , where that binary was not present, I.e., sexless , there was no way for speciation .
And the current outright denial of the binary of sex is a lie made on ideological grounds .
Walz was once a moderate. He no longer is. He represents the journey of the Democratic Party to crazy on some issues: crime, burning cities, trans ideology, and indulging the Muslim Brotherhood offshoots in the US. He didn’t start out this way. But here he is cuz that’s what his Party is. The trajectory has made many of us politically homeless
Fair. And good point.
I think you and I could be great friends. Anyway when Walz was in Congress he had to please a fairly conservative constituency. As governor he’s gone woke with the usual crap. The worst is that he dithered when Minneapolis burned. And his wife thought the smell of burning tires was a ‘touchstone’ whatever that means.
Yeah that was super creepy, the burning tires line. Are you in the northeast US? We could have coffee. ☕️ ☺️
No I live in ohio. And I love everything you write.
Mrs. Miller- I appreciate your posts and wish you the best in your journey. To me the term "politically homeless" is a copout utilized to express "but Trump". Do I think Trump is the greatest presidential candidate ever? Hell no, but when you look at how far his adversaries go to demonize him and misuse Federal agencies and the legal system to concoct BS lawsuits and make up "Russian collusion" narratives anyone who appreciates the way our system of government is supposed to work should be disgusted. I might add that Trump isn't the only victim-as an example look up the Biden-Harris administration's placement of Tulsi Gabbard on the "Quiet Skies" TSA "terrorist" surveillance program. So shocking (Ha!) that it was initiated at the same time as the coronation of Kamala as the Dem's presidential nominee. You may remember that Gabbard eviscerated Harris in the 2020 debates so naturally now is an enemy of the state.
Thank you Rock! Excellent points. I heart Tulsi. Russian collusion and state secrets came in up in my conversation today, as a matter of fact. Your comment reminded me.
I’m curious, how does Mr. M feel about having a candidate selected for him? Did he vote in the primary? If Kackles was the nominee back then would she have been his choice? Because, you know, it’s all about “democracy.” I give you tons of props for being able to stay up on that tightrope.
This was a fun read Mrs. M. Give my regards to Mr. M. But I really like that the two of you disagree and still respect each other. FWIW I think both parties are in transition. And really there is no place left to go but back to the middle.
Mr miller says thank you and "hi Lynne!" And do you really think we can get back a middle ground? That would be something.
Just yesterday I promised myself never to talk to my ex and oldest friend about the election ever again. Every day she memorizes the Daily Democrat New Spin, and dutifully updates and memorizes the details as the story changes. Yesterday it was: Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar. She was only the Vice President, and the Vice President has no power! What could she do? She was never tasked with fixing the immigration problem, just going down there and checking how many immigrants there were. And so on. I'm known her for 45 years, we live near each other and one of us will bury the other one. But in terms of politics, I'm done.
But when you're married to someone, that's a whole 'nother conundrum.
If you haven't seen it, try sharing this Quillette article with your husband. I sent it to my sister, who is defensive and hostile towards me where politics are concerned. You know that smug superiority that progressives have, where they think it's perfectly fine to insult you and sneer at you and roll their eyes like you're an idiot? Like that.
Well, she thanked me for sending the article, which was a first, and said it was very well written and important because she finds this boxing business "disturbing."
It's an objective piece of science journalism written for the layperson. It's not too long or technical, and it lands exactly where it's supposed to. When you're done reading it, you go, "okay, I get it now."
That's because it's not about transgenderism. The dudes in question don't identify as transgender, they were raised from infancy to believe they were girls because of their ambiguous genitalia. It shouldn't matter; a dude is a dude is a dude, but in this case, it's easier for liberals to swallow the truth, because they're not afraid of being transphobic. It's wacky and illogical, but what about trans isn't wacky and illogical? All that matters to me is that people saw the brutality of men battering women, and acknowledged the truth.
Thanks for all that beeswax. Much appreciated. I think Mr M gets it now re khelif but I will definitely hold onto the article. Moreover I feel your frustration in dealing with your ex. I received the same treatment. Which is not kind or respectful as the left likes to describe itself. You remind me too of additional bits of our conversation that I left out, regarding VPs having so little responsibility that they're not worth criticizing. Which of course is weird if you then call Vance an untrustworthy opportunist.
Self-criticism is not in their playbook. If necessary, they just tell a new lie and disseminate it to The View et al.
They also need to downplay the VP role because Kamala was such a disaster. Then they can keep the theme going by making up stuff about Vance.
Agree with you on the Quillette article. Here is another excellent one: https://open.substack.com/pub/colinwright/p/the-dystopian-history-of-sex-testing?r=12wpv0&utm_medium=ios
Colin Wright rules. I did link him (on X) in my post. Thank you for this article!
Wright is a bit of a fraud and a grifter, a scientific and philosophical illiterate. He's peddling definitions for the sexes that are flatly contradicted by ones published in any number of reputable biological journals, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
Thank you very much!
> "The dudes in question don't identify as transgender, they were raised from infancy to believe they were girls because of their ambiguous genitalia."
You might take a look at the photos of those with CAIS, apparently what Khelif has. Most have a female phenotype -- any red-blooded Amurican boy would jump their bones at the drop of a hat:
But they have a male genotype -- XY chromosomes -- and internal and non-functional testicles that apparently don't always drop into the labia -- not noticeable at all.
However, a female phenotype or a male genotype is not what is required, in biology, to qualify as male or female -- which is to have functional gonads that are "on-line" and cranking out product. No gametes, no sex -- however much that may "offend" you and too many others.
Khelif and company are neither male nor female; they're sexless.
Yes, I know what CAIS is.
The Quillette article refers instead to PAIS (Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome): "...the only DSD of concern to sport affect genetic males who are also androgen sensitive—either fully, e.g. in the case of athletes with 5 alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD), or substantially, e.g. in the case of athletes with partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS)." That makes more sense to me, considering Khelif's features, muscularity and physical strength.
Would you be willing to share with us where you got access to Khelif's diagnosis? That's "inside baseball" kind of stuff and it's quite interesting.
Kinda think the Quillette article you linked to more or less confirms "female genitalia". And in several places -- you might consider reading it more closely:
Quillette: "Like Caster Semenya, there’s no indication that either Khelif or Lin identifies as transgender. This makes sense given that they were apparently assigned female at birth—meaning that this is what was written on their birth certificates—and because being transgender is generally a matter of self-identification."
Largely my point -- the "standard" criteria for the sexes are genitalia, the infamous Kindergarten Cop definitions -- i.e., boys (males) have penises and girls (females) have vaginas. Can't fault the IOC for endorsing the criteria that millions of midwives, from time immemorial, have been using. As Andrew Doyle, Himself, pointed out before banning and blocking me for challenging him on the point 🙄 ...
That's the problem in a nutshell -- what criteria are we going to use to grant membership in the sex categories? By the standard biological definitions, Khelif and most intersex are neither male nor female -- they can't produce either sperm or ova so qualify as sexless.
You might also try reading what those standards actually say -- not the antiscientific claptrap peddled by grifters and charlatans like Colin Wright and Alex Byrne.
I am well aware that Khelif and Lin are not transgender. They were raised female because of ambiguous genitalia that did not appear male. I am also aware that the shape of the genitals does not define ones biological sex. I also know that the scientific definition of sex is based on which gamete the body produces. But where DSDs are concerned, “standard biological definitions” are much harder to parse.
You initially asserted that Khelif has CAIS, but after being asked for evidence, you now say that he is “probably” CAIS. All we know for sure is that in the boxing ring, which is all I care about, he has the muscularity and strength of a man. I blame the IOC for making a corrupt and cowardly decision by allowing Khelid and Lin to compete in the wrong category so they could punch women in the face and win medals.
It’s no secret that Khelif and Lin have XY chromosomes. Carini said she was never punched in the face as hard as Khelif punched her. That is because she has been boxing against women the whole time, never men. Khelif is more likely PAIS than CAIS. Male chromosomes and some ability to metabolize testosterone give him the male sex advantage over females. Those two metrics answer the question for the purpose of sports. When the level playing field is subverted in this manner, fair competition becomes a contradiction in terms.
You read and “liked” my lengthy posts on Frederick Prete’s Substack, so you know what I think. My one and only concern is fairness for women in sports and all other woman-only sex-based activities and spaces. Khelif and Lin should be boxing against men or other DSD/XY individuals like themselves. That would be fair. Then their level of prowess could be fairly tested. I’ve said all I have to say.
Quite agree with you that Khelif and company shouldn't be in women's sports. But the issue and problem is the criteria to be used to adjudicate access, and the quite unscientific claim that they, in particular, are males -- which is flatly contradicted by the standard biological definitions I've quoted several times.
Think I responded to your comment on Prete's post by suggesting that, for women's sports, the criterion should be "no XY need apply". A more useful one might be having "ovaries of past, present, or future functionality" as Emma Hilton once suggested.
However, this comment of yours is also part of the problem:
"But where DSDs are concerned, 'standard biological definitions' are much harder to parse."
Don't see that at all. How hard is it to "parse" the consequential "no gametes, no sex"? Unless you don't want to try? Because you're "offended" by it?
Khelif and company probably can't produce either sperm or ova so qualify as sexless -- neither male nor female. The sexes aren't identities -- just labels denoting transitory reproductive abilities.
Searching for the truth is always painful to those who are having their “good intentions” challenged. You are in a search for truth while your husband just wants to be peaceful and stay in the “we are good people” bubble. I am in a similar struggle with my mother. I made a similar journey to yours Mrs. Miller but earlier because we are business owners in CA.
Thank you. You nailed it.
My husband pretty much was the catalyst for my political transformation, so we agree on most things, but we still can’t talk about them without annoying each other! And, he has banned me from writing about him. ???? Hence, not a lot of writing going on.
I'm a little worried my own writing permit will be revoked any minute. This is what fiction is for. I feel your frustration.
My husband too as I wrote after your last post. But lately he has been more sad than mad. I think it is the ghastly UK situation that is getting thru to him, where the left actually seems to be ok with the killing of little dancing girls. I think he is beginning to doubt the left but won't say so....yet.
I just love what you write! So full of ( Jewish? ) humor but also very wise! I find myself pretty much in your camp.. having once been a Democrat ( well, I’m Jewish, too ) and now ? With the liberal or rather illiberal stance on trans ideology , the support of wars( of course the Republicans are no better) I’m floundering.
I don’t have a Mr.Miller with whom
I can “ discuss “ how I feel. .. (except for one of my sons who is also turned off by so-called liberals) . All my friends have jumped on the Kamala bandwagon, and would find me” weird” if I tried to explain why I haven’t! Not that I would ever vote for Trump , drill baby drill , either!
It’s a very uncomfortable position to be in.
So reading your post was a refreshing experience! Thanks for that!
And I’m definitely not so young… at 95… and also having experienced fascism as a kid in Nazi Germany, I can smell authoritarianism a mile away. And now the present authoritarianism of the trans cult (and maybe the left )is more concerning than any future authoritarianism from Trump… I just don’t know.
95?! Wow! You're my hero. That comment says it all. Do you have a Substack?
Yes, I do..though I haven’t posted much.
I love your honesty, not just honesty, but brute honesty, the honesty underneath the stuff. But reading this, which reminded me of a lifetime of similar discussions, struggles with isms related to politics—speaking of “platforms” and who of our miserly two-person choice is worse than the other, drove me straight to: this is exactly what they want us to do. Fight over the media sound bytes. The affairs, the slurs, the “agendas” and alas, the values that each side adopts as their own. In other words, all the garbage that is American politics.
These aren’t real candidates. They are selected puppets who will mete out the agendas of those who pay and pull the strings. Both take blood money, both aren’t honest, both are bought and paid for. Like boxers in a ring, stage actors, scripted morons. And we lose friendships—and marriages fighting over this completely foolish game.
I say, get out of the game. Define a better way to live your lives.
I hope equilibrium finds the Miller household. It took years for my husband's conservative turn to make sense to me, but once I saw the matrix, I couldn't go back to sleep. Putting down the "guilt" suitcase is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it has given me so much freedom. I can ALMOST thank the lockdowns and mandates for helping me look up from my leftist sleepwalk.
Yes I feel that. Like bring on the next crazy thing so more people can wake up. I try to explain that every day brings another event that only validates my de-leftion. (Does that work? Left+defection) it takes real humility but it's so worth it like you say. Thank you. Your timeline gives me hope.
Sadly Trump is not the best person to carry this water. I predict Harris wins, we will have a progressive admin and the GOP will have to find a kind moderate. They should draft the Rock in 28
> "Then I explained what you and I know—that Khelif is an XY-bearing male ..."
You think XY is all that it takes to qualify as a human male?
The problem is that the IOC, and too many other scientific illiterates, are basically working on Kindergarten Cop definitions for the sexes: boys (males) have penises and girls (females) have vaginas. "Of course Khelif is a female! How dare you deny her claim to that estate?" 🙄
But the standard biological definitions for the sexes STIPULATE that to have a sex is to have FUNCTIONAL gonads of either of two types, those with neither being, ipso facto, sexless.
For example, see the Glossary definitions in this article (2014), by Parker [FRS] and Lehtonen, in the Oxford Journal of Molecular Human Reproduction (MHR) — titled, “Gamete competition, gamete limitation, and the evolution of the two sexes”:
MHR: "Female: Biologically, the female sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces the larger gametes in anisogamous systems.
Male: Biologically, the male sex is defined as the adult phenotype that produces the smaller gametes in anisogamous systems."
Absolutely diddly-squat there, or in any other definitions from equally reputable sources, about genitalia or chromosomes for some very important reasons, not least of which is that many other species don't use X & Y chromosomes to produce different sexes. In fact, in more than a few species males and females have the same chromosomes.
By those definitions, Khelif and most other intersex are neither male nor female; they're sexless. Khelif in particular is probably CAIS -- has a female genotype -- i.e., a vagina -- and a male genotype -- i.e., XY chromosomes. But she/he/it can't produce either sperm or ova -- ergo, sexless:
There is no such thing as sexless in mammals, particularly in humans. Through evolution , sex is binary..no third or fourth sex. The binary of sex is what has led to speciation.In primitive organisms , where that binary was not present, I.e., sexless , there was no way for speciation .
And the current outright denial of the binary of sex is a lie made on ideological grounds .