I look forward your daughter writing some day about her de-transition. I have three daughters that each to some varying degrees have rejected our beliefs. At one point one refused to even speak to us. Now she has moved back home! LOL One day at a time.
Mrs Miller I am channeling your energy and trying to learn from your experiences. Last night my 12 year old son came home and said one of his writings assignments in ELA (School District of Phila) was to write about if he had experienced discrimination because of his gender and if he has ever thought about changing his name or pronouns. After seeing red, we spoke about the question and my son basically said it was a stupid assignment because it was masquerading as something that was related to the book they were reading but had nothing to do with what the main character was experiencing. He decided that he would not answer the assignment as directed and just wanted to know if he got a zero that I would be okay.
Back to School Night is tomorrow and I am going to have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
Will definitely circle back on how things go and thank you for the offer to meet for coffee. I feel fortunate --for the time being-- my son feels like he can report these kinds of things back to us. A few of the girls in his class have already decided to identify as males with one starting hormone therapy. I just keep shaking my head and wondering out loud “how has this come to be and where does this all end for our children” - broken, full of regret and heartache.
Reporting on Back to School Night, had the chance to ask the ELA teacher about the pronoun assignment at the end of the evening and within seconds of speaking with him it became clear the teacher was just issuing the assignment via the the District’s lessons plans. He said he would not make an issue if my son abstained from responding to the assignment. I was floored.
I look forward your daughter writing some day about her de-transition. I have three daughters that each to some varying degrees have rejected our beliefs. At one point one refused to even speak to us. Now she has moved back home! LOL One day at a time.
Great news!! Thank you and I hope so too. For now she despises writing. Lol indeed.
Like eating beans, this too shall pass. Hang in there – you know she's worth it.
Thanks John! 💨
Mrs Miller I am channeling your energy and trying to learn from your experiences. Last night my 12 year old son came home and said one of his writings assignments in ELA (School District of Phila) was to write about if he had experienced discrimination because of his gender and if he has ever thought about changing his name or pronouns. After seeing red, we spoke about the question and my son basically said it was a stupid assignment because it was masquerading as something that was related to the book they were reading but had nothing to do with what the main character was experiencing. He decided that he would not answer the assignment as directed and just wanted to know if he got a zero that I would be okay.
Back to School Night is tomorrow and I am going to have a hard time keeping my mouth shut.
You’re so far ahead of the game I envy you. Feel free to let me know how back to school night went and if you ever want to meet for coffee I’m down!
Will definitely circle back on how things go and thank you for the offer to meet for coffee. I feel fortunate --for the time being-- my son feels like he can report these kinds of things back to us. A few of the girls in his class have already decided to identify as males with one starting hormone therapy. I just keep shaking my head and wondering out loud “how has this come to be and where does this all end for our children” - broken, full of regret and heartache.
Reporting on Back to School Night, had the chance to ask the ELA teacher about the pronoun assignment at the end of the evening and within seconds of speaking with him it became clear the teacher was just issuing the assignment via the the District’s lessons plans. He said he would not make an issue if my son abstained from responding to the assignment. I was floored.
That’s awesome.
Maybe the tide is shifting...
I love you Mrs. Miller!! Strong, angry and hopeful!!
Thank you Ordinary Woman! 🥰🥰🥰
Tenth!!! 🫢 I’m going to go back and re-read these!
Whoop! 🙌🏼