I know how you feel. We need to start a support group...the Gender Critical Wet Blanket Society. (GCWBS! See, we can have fun unpronounceable acronyms too!) We're always spoiling everyone's queer old time with our pesky reality! I get told to look the other way and ignore things that bother me, and I even make an effort to try those methods...but it is just not my nature. I am disappointed in everyone around me--not because they don't unequivocally agree with me, but because they are either blithely unaware or just completely unbothered. With so much at stake and so much evidence all around...how????

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Mrs Miller

Where can I sign up? Would love to be a founding GCWBSer! 😁

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You’re hired. Let’s meet soon! On a beach somewhere beautiful...

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Come on guys, we can't have BS in our acronym. We are anything but.

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If I may... Obviously I don't know ms Miller but based on what you said about her and her being related to a smart person like yourself , I am going to hazard a guess that Ms Miller is smart. Which means there is a good chance the trip is not a fail. Sooner or later a smart teen will see first how commercial the whole thing is , then how mainstream, then how self-absorbed . She may feel slight pangs of embarrassment during this trip, some ... Hey... is that what I look like? So, honestly it is unlikely that it was like Disneyland for a 5 y.o. for her.

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Ugh god I hope you’re right. If anyone besides me wakes up in this family it’ll be her. 🩷

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Mrs Miller

Good point. The photos reveal the unrelenting tediousness of the commercial aspect of this identity group! A sea of rainbows for sale or rent... It’s all becoming rather mundane, isn’t it? The rebels conform absolutely. After all these years, my LACK of tattoos makes me seem almost “cutting edge”. Never mind that my “gender non-conformity” is just part of who I am as my biological sex, as opposed to being a reason to transition.

Last week I spoke to an old friend from university, who told me that his son was now transgender, and I just felt so sad. He has lost his only son, his first born, and he is not allowed to grieve that loss; instead, to feed the woke beast, he must celebrate it! We must all celebrate it! I was silent. What was I supposed to say?

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Sending love. If you’re not home yet, I hope you will be soon--in every way possible.❤️❤️

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Home! 🩷🩷🩷

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Mrs Miller

The sentence 'Since I had the most terrible time, the blame lay squarely at my feet' made me think of blaming the dead canary for the air quality in the coal mine. Some of us have deep visceral reactions to environments that feel ideologically captured.

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I love that. And I guess I live that!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Mrs Miller

What an awful story. I'm so sorry.

In order not to be evicted from our familial and social circles, we're required now to deny everything we know to be true, and then turn around and bully and ostracize anyone who refuses to allow their speech and thoughts to be compelled. Love is commodified, human relations are conditional. Families don't matter. Friends don't matter. Only ideological conformity matters.

How many chances do you have to make a family? How many husbands and children are in your future? You found your place in life with the man you married and with your offspring. Please don't question yourself too much for trying again and again to find that shard of light where love, forgiveness, and acceptance are still possible. The way this ideology destroys families is perhaps its most evil aspect.

I keep having a recurring image of the last scene from "Planet of the Apes." The camera pans back and we see the head of the Statue of Liberty looming up on the beach. We realize that the Planet of the Apes is not far away in another galaxy. It's Earth! Our Earth! We humans planted and cultivated the seeds of our own destruction.

I hope there's still time. I guess we'll see...

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Hopefully, this too will pass. Sort of like eating beans.

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I found this to be a very thought provoking essay… candid, raw, and compelling. Thank you. Sincerely, Frederick

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