I love a mouthy broad. The people I love and respect the most, have courage — and enough courage to change their mind when new information becomes available. Mouthing off, especially when absolutely challenged by unbelievably difficult times such as dealing with a lifetime of complex feelings in the face of grief, is very understandable and very human. You’re real and you speak from your heart and that makes me so happy to ‘know’ you in this virtual, parasocial realm.

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Thank you so much MM. that helps more than you know.

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I used to be a nice Jewish Boy until I became a Trump Voter. Now my family considers me a crazy loon who supports Hitler.

As a Jew, I cannot understand the thought process of the Kamala or Democrat Voter. Do they not see Democrat Politics hates both Jews and Israel. A recent discussion with my Mother revealed, her Values better align with the Democrat Party. These are the same values which indoctrinate and mutilates children. They further do anything possible to maline and dismantle the only Jewish Homeland in the world. As far as I can see, this is the same party which has already come for one of her grandchildren, halted protective arms to Israel and have sown Jewish hate throughout the United States and in our college campuses. If these are the values to which a Jewish Grandmother or any Democrat subscribes, all I can say is to you is; “Vote your Values” on November 5.

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Hear hear Michael. So many veils to unmask. I pray for your mother. 🙏🏼

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Mrs Miller

I can relate, Mrs Miller. Look at the fakery, the scamming, the Unamerican back-room brokering.

Look at her blatant idiocy.

Doesn't it require a lack of self-respect to go along with this?

To me it all looks pathetic, embarrassing, but also terrifying in it's implications.

The thought that her supporters care so little for the office of President, and the idea that they are willing to give it to an obvious empty suit is so offensive to me. It's insulting to all of us.

Not only that, but the position of President appears to be currently vacant and she hasn't done her job as VP to keep an eye on things and step in if need be to supply a steady hand at the wheel. Even the night of the debate she told us that Joe was just fine.

The driver's seat looks empty to everyone, including our enemies, and she's off gasping like a fish and waving her hand in the air with Oprah while celebrities toss her soft balls.

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All of which demonstrates that the elected president is no longer in charge. Really has not been for at least going on 8 years and likely longer. And it is not Obama running things. It is the upper bureaucratic echelon of the three letter agencies in the executive branch. And while they crowned Biden the pjppet king and intend to do so with Harris, if a strong Dem stood up to them they would choose Liz Cheney or a Rep of her ilk (weak) in a flash. My only question is whether or not a foreign state or organization controls said bureaucrats.

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I love clueless Dems. They say, “Look, those republicans understand us”. Wake up! The Bush’s, Cheney’s, Romney’s, McCain’s and others are merely Neocons. They are wealthy enough to choose voting democrat when convenient. They’ll support any party who creates a war which makes their families richer. Look at the world four years ago and look at it today. It’s on fire. It’s not because Biden/Harris is weak. It’s all by design. If Biden/Harris supported Israel after Hamas cooked infants family ovens while forcing parents to watch, the conflict would have been over 10 months ago. But no, Ukraine was not enough for our Military Industrial Complex. Being a lifelong Republican means absolutely nothing to these Oil Producer’s and Munition Manufacturer’s and ultimately career politicians. They nauseate me. In fact, Combat Veterans like Bush Senior and John McCain are the worst of the bunch.

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I do not disagree. It truly has been a Uniparty for decades now if not a century. But I think you missed my point which is that at this time the president is not in control. Of anything including defense or foreign relations. The bureaucrats are just installing weak puppets they can manipulate.

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Wait. You are admitting - gasp - you were in error? Girl you not only got wings, you got your talons. You can never go back now.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Mrs Miller

I love your substack because you can write what you did yesterday, and follow up with what you wrote here today, and you walk this between sincerity and snark with poise and daring! ❤️🇺🇸

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Thank you Becky!

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Don't be so hard on yourself. No one is *seriously* voting for Kamala--they're voting for 'not Trump'. Anyone who says they truly believe in KH's ability to be a leader is not just an idiot, they're a FUCKING LIAR. They will do whatever the media tells them to. It's pathetic.

Why not take a break from this depressing election and spend your time reading about something less controversial, like the P Diddy mess?

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Excellent advice Gary 😂

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11 hrs agoLiked by Mrs Miller

I feel like child mutilation & essentially dismantling title 9 is reason enough—-

But you can toss in the border (there are migrants being housed in my neighborhood on the tax payer dime AND women begging on the street corner for the first time ever), and free speech and concern for terrorists coming from Muslim countries (remember all the hand wringing about the Muslim ban?!), and Ukraine and health and Covid fanaticism (Trump called out Fauci as a narcissist early on!) and…

Yep now I’m a Trump voter! Still haven’t bought my hat. There is a hat on Etsy “make Orwell fiction again.”

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6 hrs agoLiked by Mrs Miller

You can be sorry for any perceived snark, but never be sorry for telling the truth and calling out the fakery, hypocrisy or elitism. I love the deeply honest perspective you express in your writing. Never ever let them talk you into denying your sensibilities.

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Amen. 🙏🏼

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