Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

Keep it the good work, mom. The captured her interest one millimeter at a time. You will win by using the power of parenthood and logic. Stay tough. Being her friend is the worst thing you can do.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller


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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

Congratulations president of Miss Miller LLC - you just held her accountable - BRAVO! She has plenty of people telling her exactly what she wants to hear but you love her so you deliver truths. One day she will see how you, as a loving and caring mother, picked the difficult path of honesty.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

I wrote this yesterday. Not only is it apt, but it looks like you got my memo.

"Culturally, we're witnessing the attempted murder of Responsibility. When parents turn raising their kids over to the educational system or social media or ..., the kids go from being Johnny, Mary, Lakeisha, Juan to White male 53, White female 27, Black female 31, Hispanic male 22, i.e., they become identitarian statistics. No one is responsible for statistics. The only way to avoid the death of Responsibility is for parents to once again recognize that they – and no one else – are responsible for the passage of their offspring from child to adult. "

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

Humorlessness is a hallmark of whatever we call ‘woke’. They can’t laugh at themselves. It has to do with their religiosity. They are holy.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

IKR? The title of this post made me LOL guffaw titter. It made me LAUGH, which feels so good! And that’s why they’re such miserable little shits, the new brand of blue-haired Church Ladies. And they’re so SPESHULL, to quote Dana Carvey.

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"am I chasing yet another dream to glean that she might like being put in her place? Her dad won’t do it. Her school won’t do it. Certainly not her friends. Am I the only one on this crazy planet who will point out Miss Miller’s bullshit?"

I don't suppose you've yet read Abigail Shrier's newly released Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up? Yowza—does she bring the rationality receipts. I think you will feel mightily vindicated by the research—she spends considerable time on your point above—though as "dutiful little Pharma consumers" her data may also prick a little at some points (pun!) re: kids and pills. Yesterday I started listening to the audiobook (narrated by her) and got halfway through the 8+ hours—it's a real page-turner/minute burner; so well documented and SO SANE it's hard to stop listening.

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Not yet but I'm sure I will. Thanks for the rec! And the comment 🩷

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Yeah…I honestly can’t believe you haven’t dug up that one yet! Did you know the “brain chemistry” theory of depression is actually a myth? I will dig up link and find it.

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I did know that. That's why I went off my meds the second time. And subsequently attempted suicide.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

I’m so so sorry!!! I have heard from a few friends that it’s really hard to go off the meds. And it can lead to really scary situations, including suicide. One of my friends is now adamant that she _needs_ the meds due to a similar situation as yours when she stopped.

I wish I could say more than hang in there. I saw an article about weaning off the drugs but it was paywalled and Bidenomics have been rough for our family. I wonder if there need to be a list of doctors who can support people in going off meds -kinda like the special trans-skeptical (what are we calling it?) therapists people need for their kids. Anyway, please keep writing!

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Thank you! I know how to get off the meds but not how to stay off lol. And now I've become so wary and underwhelmed by doctors. they make things worse so often. Unless you need acute care. I'm sure my serotonin levels off meds is way lower than it started before the drug. FWIW Miss miller is on adderall and miller jr. just started Wellbutrin. jury is still out on him but she has fared well and only takes it for school. Same dose for a few years now. And I agree that all of it is overprescribed for people who don't need it but it's helped me a lot despite sedative effects. I have a long history of debilitating anxiety, depression and low self esteem. It was amazing to have so much of that simply erased on meds. Finally, There needs to be a new specialist field for quitting meds--that would be brilliant, like gender critical therapists for fauxmosexuals like my daughter.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

She can't--she's got too much peer pressure and can't stand out as anyone who laughs at that sort of thing. My hope with my kids in general is that even though they protest now, they still hear it and will carry it with them past the point of being so vulnerable to peer pressure. Keep at it, mama!

(I also couch things to make it more palatable, like "It's not their fault, these poor kids--they can't help it. They've got mental problems and are even perhaps poisoned by pesticides in their foods that is causing them to fall apart. Poor things. But we can't buy into the idea that this is normal or ok because it's not." Those kids lives will be f*cked forever and they can't reverse it. ) Then I walk away. Maybe run, lol.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

Wow, there’s a lot in this slice of life.

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Mar 11Liked by Mrs Miller

...and that crumbling anticipated eagerly by our likes

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Yes the irony, they pray for their own undoing. Unwittingly. Like queers for Palestine.

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Go hug a trans person if hugs are so important.

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> “You’re the one who missed the bus. You’re the one who needs a ride. Get. Over. Yourself. You are ridiculous.”

At least you are open about not liking your child. They will not have to confront ambiguity.

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You're obviously not a parent.

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You are kind, in your way. You demonstrate to your child that you do not hold them in any kind of respect. She will not have to wonder.

Have you considered she might have IDed as trans because she saw.you her female model, and did not like that?

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I did consider that. There's nothing worse than a "cis" white straight female amiright. What I find fascinating is that you read my essay and can only denote dislike and disrespect from me to my daughter. Again, you're not a parent, are you?

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